1. Install Smart Paging module Go to Administration › Configuration › Administer Smart Paging settings. Under 'Default page break method', select "Manual placement of page break placeholder". 2. Install 'Ckeditor' Module Go to Administration › Configuration > Ckediotr profiles > Filtered HTML Edit the settings of the Advanced (Filtered HTML) Profile. Under 'Editor Appearance' section, In plugins check the required options like " Plugin for inserting a Drupal teaser and page breaks. ". 3. Edit the configuration settings of input formats (Filtered HTML, Full HTML, Plain Text) Go to Administration › Configuration > Text formats. Edit the required input format. For example say "Filtered HTML". Under "Enabled filters" section, check the 'Smart Paging' option and uncheck all the remaining checkboxes. 4. Go to Content type 'article' and create new content. We will s...