This is for hook_update_N function If we have a default menu, use below code in install file. /** * Implements hook_update_N to create menu reports. */ function mymodule_update_7120 ( ) { $menus = array ( 'menu_name' => 'my_parent_menu', ' title ' => 'My parent menu title', ' description ' => 'My parent menu description', ); $links = array ( 'link_title' => 'My menu link title', 'link_path' => 'custom_path_for_menu_link', 'menu_name' => 'my_parent_menu', ' weight ' => 0, ' expanded ' => 0, ); // Save menu group into menu_custom table // Look the table first if the data does exist $exists = db_query ( "SELECT title FROM {menu_custom} WHERE menu_name= : menu_name", array ( ' : menu_name' => $menus [ 'menu_name']) ) -> fetchField ( ); // Save the rec...